Samstag, April 19, 2008

Fr. Andrew's priest ministry celebaration 19th. april

Most noble one,
On the 19th of April 2001, I became a priest. On this day I thank God for all those through whom he let me to his altar and those with whom I have journeyed so far. You are one of those.You may not know that you have an irreplaceable role that you have been playing and are still playing in my life. Everything I think of all the goodness arround your person, I am convinced of the reality of holiness. Time has unfolded to us all a practice wherein every good act is received with the words, Thank You. I thank you so much from within my being. May God purify and grant all your hearts desires for these and the life hereafter.
Pray for me that God in his mercy may forgive my so many sins and give me the grace of perseverance in the promised life of evangelical simplicity, and chastity in obedience to his will all the days of my life. My prayer for you is this psalm line, "let those who hope in you not be put to shame through me lord of Host; let not those who seek you be dismayed through me God of Israel."
Remain blessed,Remain Good and remain positive In the Risen Lord.

Fr. Andrew Solii

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